If $P \Rightarrow \left( {q \vee r} \right)$ is false, then the truth values of $p, q, r$ are respectively
$F, T, T$
$T, F, F$
$T, T, F$
$F, F, F$
The contrapositive of the statement "I go to school if it does not rain" is
The statment $ \sim \left( {p \leftrightarrow \sim q} \right)$ is
Contrapositive of the statement:
'If a function $f$ is differentiable at $a$, then it is also continuous at $a$', is
If the Boolean expression $( p \Rightarrow q ) \Leftrightarrow( q *(\sim p ))$ is a tautology, then the Boolean expression $p *(\sim q )$ is equivalent to
The proposition $p \Rightarrow \;\sim (p\; \wedge \sim \,q)$ is